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The Easy Life DVD

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SKU 17333D

Aaron Terry (Roman Todd) and Mason Garrison (Cliff Jensen) are movie stars taking on the challenge of living "The Easy Life" in a new reality TV experiment on this DVD by Disruptive Films. These guys will leave their cushy lifestyles behind and head to the countryside to work the land and experience how the other half lives. Welcome back to First Timers, the show that poses the burning question: What will it take for two regular guys to have sex on camera? Or better yet, what can these two endure before they must give in and have sex on camera? It's a game of restraint, or ideally, a lack of restraint, because if it were truly about restraint, it would be boring! This week features the ever-eager Ethan (Trevor Harris) and Gavin (Ian Holms), who has his eyes on the prize. Will Ethan's horniness win out? Tune into First Timers to see if these guys get it on!

United States
Ian Holmes, Siouxsie Q.
Release Date
4 Jun 2024
Run Time
75 Minutes